Shoes we like


Company: Aris Allen

Buy here: Dance Sneakers

Company: Sway’d

Buy here: Marc

Buy here: Alex

Company: Ultimate

Buy here: Ultimate Men’s Depth – Black Lycra – Low Heel

Company: Aris Allen

Buy here: Dance Sneakers

Company: Sway’d

Buy here: Urban Step Boots

Urban Vibe Boots

Buy here: Urban Soul Boots

Company: Shoes by Stefane

Buy here: Aurora Boots

Buy here: Defy Sandals

Make your own

  1. Choose a comfortable shoe – Preferably a sneaker
  2. Purchase and appropriate adhesive suede from Amazon.
  3. Cut and stick to the bottom of the shoe.

Now you have a comfortable dance shoe!!!!

Warning – This pair of shoes will now be a permanent dance shoe and should not be worn anywhere but on smooth dance floors.

Link to Adhesive Suede on Amazon: Adhesive Suede

Temporary fix (on the go)

Use Dance Socks. They slip on and off as you need them.

Buy here: Dance Socks