What is Included?

Here is a summary of all videos included in each course:


Bronze level

Course 1 Summary


  • Split Weight vs. Committed Weight
  • Blocks of Weight & Spinal Alignment
  • Foot Positions
  • Rhythmical Elements
  • Slow & Quicks
  • Booms & Ticks

Warmups / Drills

  • Walks & Triple Steps
  • 6 Count Rhythm

Content / Patterns

  • Left Side Pass
  • Left Side Pass (With hand changes)
  • Sugar Push
  • Sugar Push (with hand changes)
  • Underarm Pass
  • Underarm Pass (with hand changes)
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 2 Summary


  • Spine/Foot Connection
  • Closed vs. Open Position
  • Beginning & Ending Patterns In Closed Or Open
  • Anchor Step & Anchor Position
  • Lead, Let Go

Warmups / Drills

  • Linear Movement

Content / Patterns

  • Left Side Pickup
  • Closed Left Side Pass (Staying In CLosed)
  • Closed Left Side To Release
  • Underarm Pickup
  • Closed Underarm Pass (Ending In Closed)
  • Closed Underarm To Release
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 3 Summary


  • Positive And Negative Sides
  • Turnout Vs. Parallel
  • Applying positive and negative sides with turnout and parallel

Warmups / Drills

  • Back Rocks & Forward Checks

Content / Patterns

Grouping 1

  • Bronze Starter Step
  • Closed Sugar Push (Staying Closed)
  • Closed Sugar Push to Release
  • Sugar Push Pickup
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Right Side Pass
  • Closed Turning Basic (Staying Closed)
  • Turning basic (Ending Closed)
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 4 Summary


  • Constant / Variable
  • Tracking
  • Passing point
  • Rail to Rail

Warmups / Drills

  • 8 Count Rhythm
  • 6 & 8 Count Rhythm Combination

Content / Patterns

Grouping 1

  • Sugar Tuck
  • 8 Count Underarm Pickup
  • Sugar Roll (AKA Inside Roll)
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Closed 8 Count Left Side Pass (Staying Closed)
  • Closed Sugar Tuck
  • Closed 8 Count Sugar Push
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Silver Level

Course 1 Summary


  • The magic of the “SCHWA”
  • Pivots

Warmups / Drills

  • Step Touch

Content / Pattern

Grouping 1

  • Left Side Pass with Follower’s Inside Turn to Pickup
  • Closed Standard Whip
  • Basic Fold
  • Barrel Roll
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Silver Starter Step
  • Closed Left Side Pass with Follower’s Inside Turn
  • Closed Standard Whip with Walk-Through
  • Right Side Pass with Follower’s Outside Turn
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 2 Summary


  • Foot Connection to the Floor
  • Boom/Tick

Warmups / Drills

  • Back Rock & Switch Turn

Content / Patterns

Grouping 1

  • Basket Whip
  • Opposite Side Underarm Pass
  • Left Side Pass with Free Spin
  • Underarm Pass with Leader’s Overhead Left Turn
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Shoulder Whip
  • Wrap
  • Free Spin with Hand Change
  • Standard Whip
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 3 Summary


  • Opposition/Compression
  • Lateral Connection

Warmups / Drills

  • Step Cross Step

Content / Patterns

Grouping 1

  • Closed Outside Partner Sugar Push
  • Same Side Whip
  • Sugar Around The World
  • Standard Whip with Outside Turn
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Sugar Roll To Closed
  • Closed Same Side Whip
  • Left Side pass With Follower’s Inside Turn
  • Head Loop Pass
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 4 Summary


  • Spacial Awareness
  • Functional Partnering

Warmups / Drills

  • Step & Cross

Content / Patterns

Grouping 1

  • Sugar Roll to 2 Hand Hold
  • 2 Hand Passing Tuck
  • Standard Whip with Apache Ending
  • Sugar Drape
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Reverse Whip
  • Sugar Tuck to Opposite Hand
  • Free Spin to Pickup
  • Closed Same Side Whip and Rock
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Gold Level

Course 1 Summary


  • Spring Anchor
  • Redirects

Warmups / Drills

  • Spring & Step

Content / Pattern

Grouping 1

  • Wrap Whip
  • Slingshot
  • Reverse Whip with Outside Turn
  • Followers Walk Around Rib Chaser
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Left Side Pickup with Spring Anchor
  • Closed Rock’N’Go with Walk Through
  • Underarm Linear Redirect
  • Right Side Pass with Double Outside Turn
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 2 Summary


  • Grounding – Weight
  • Presenting

Warmups / Drills

  • Touch Step

Content / Patterns

Grouping 1

  • Gold Starter Step
  • Elbow Turn
  • Opposite side to Rotational Redirect
  • Sugar Swirl
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Turkish Towel Whip
  • Left Side Turn & Drape
  • Closed Standard Whip with Spring Anchor
  • Wild Mouse
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 3 Summary


  • Grounding – Flow of Energy
  • Pass By

Warmups / Drills

  • Maintaining Sides

Content / Patterns

Grouping 1

  • Right Side Pass with Followers Inside Turn
  • Left Side Pass with Leaders Rib Chaser
  • Reverse Whip from Handshake
  • Cha Cha Step
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Walking Pass By
  • Closed Sugar Tuck to Rotational Redirect
  • Fold to Double Handshake
  • Pretzel
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Course 4 Summary


  • Energy In Anchors
  • Building Your Dance

Warmups / Drills

  • Switching Sides

Content / Patterns

Grouping 1

  • Flash
  • Wrap with Hip Catch (Ending in Closed)
  • Closed Sugar Rock and Tuck
  • Leader’s Shoulder Drape
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Grouping 2

  • Sugar Tuck to Hammerlock
  • Bicep Catch from Hammerlock
  • Diagonal Sugar Push
  • Follower’s Curl to Free Spin
  • Putting It All Together – All content linked together

Mind / Body Connection

Music Theory

Part 1A

  • Beats
  • Measures
  • Tempo

Movement Theory

Part 1B

  • Dance sequence with technique to be used through entire course

Part 2A

  • Subdivisions of the beat

Part 2B

  • Translate and incorporate music theory from Part A into movement concepts
  • Evolution of dance sequence

Part 3A

  • Counting
  • Musical Notation

Part 3B

  • Translate and incorporate music theory from Part A into movement concepts
  • Evolution of dance sequence

Part 4A

  • What is Syncopation
  • Expansion of Syncopation Theory

Part 4B

  • Translate and incorporate music theory from Part A into movement concepts
  • Evolution of dance sequence

Part 5A

  • Chords

Part 5B

  • Translate and incorporate music theory from Part A into movement concepts
  • Evolution of dance sequence

Part 6A

  • Harmony
  • Melody
  • Rhythm

Part 6B

  • Translate and incorporate music theory from Part A into movement concepts
  • Evolution of dance sequence

Part 7A

  • Phrasing

Part 7B

  • Translate and incorporate music theory from Part A into movement concepts
  • Evolution of dance sequence

Part 8A

  • Song Structure

Part 8B

  • Translate and incorporate music theory from Part A into movement concepts
  • Evolution of dance sequence